Dsl Consultancy specializes in creating solutions based on domain modeling and model-driven software development. By creating a domain-specific language (a DSL) and custom modeling tooling for the customer's domain, the customer - by means of its domain experts and stakeholders - is fully able to express the intricacies of its domain and its intent comfortably and completely. This way, the customer really is the driving force of the software development process, taking matters in its own hands without having to overly rely on external/technical consultants.
About Dsl Consultancy

Meinte Boersma is the independent consultant behind Dsl Consultancy which is founded in February 2011 and operates from Voorhout, the Netherlands.
Meinte is an expert in domain modeling and model-driven software development. He has years of experience in the software development industry and has found that model-driven software development (MDSD) is the way that he wants to do software development. As such, he is a true advocate of that discipline, writing blogs, articles and books on the subject as well as doing presentations.
(links open new windows/tabs)
Comprehensive CV as web page or as pdf.
Blogs on DSLs:
- https://github.com/dslmeinte/blogs (current)
- https://medium.com/@dslmeinte (old, partly migrated to current)
- https://dslmeinte.wordpress.com/ (old)
LinkedIn profile.
Twitter (meinte37).
Mastadon (https://mastodon.nl/@dslmeinte).
DSL Consultancy
Meinte Boersma
telephone: +31 (0) 6 - 23 91 23 94
email: info@dslconsultancy.com
KvK number: 52243079